Diamond Sutra
Diamond sutra (金刚经) is one of the most influential Buddhism canons in East Asia, especially in the Zen Buddhism school (禅宗). The Sixth and Last Patriarch of Zen Buddhism Huineng (六祖慧能) (638-713 AD) reached his initial enlightenment by hearing one sentence in Diamond sutra: “thoughts should not be conditioned on situations (应无所住而生其心)”.
This sutra has been translated from Sanskrit to Chinese multiple times in history. The most popular version is done by the legendary monk Kumarajiva (鸠摩罗什, 344–413 AD). Another legendary monk Xuanzang (玄奘, 602-664 AD) has translated it too.
In this post, I will provide an English translation of the sutra based on Kumarajiva’s version. I will keep the translation simple and concise thus it is not a literal translation. Famous sentences will be in bold and translated in full.
There are two difficulties in the translation
- Ancient Chinese differs from modern Chinese
- The same Chinese character / Sanskrit word could refer to different concepts
Thus I cannot guarantee my translation is correct. When in doubt, I also consult the Chinese version by Xuanzang, whose translation is more literal.
Before going to the main text, let us first introduce a few terminologies:
- six senses (六入, sadayatana): They are also called six thieves (六贼). Clinging to sense pleasures causes problems.
eye (眼) | ear (耳) | nose (鼻) | tongue (舌) | body (身) | mind (意, manas) |
color (色, rupa) | sound (声) | smell (香) | taste (味) | touch (触) | thought (法, dharma) |
Arhat (阿罗汉, 罗汉): Someone who has attained nirvana (涅槃). He has eliminated all fetters and thus is freed from rebirth (轮回, samsara). The Sanskrit word could mean “the one who has destroyed the foes of afflictions”. It could also mean “the one who cannot be killed”.
Buddha (佛): The fully enlightened teacher, the “awakened one”. He is more knowledgeable than arhats. Gautama Buddha is one of them.
- Bodhisattva (菩萨): There are two possible usage of this word, nicely summarized on Wikipedia
In Theravada Buddhism, a bodhisattva is one who is striving for full enlightenment (arhat), whereas in Mahayana Buddhism, a bodhisattva is one who has already reached a very advanced state of grace or enlightenment but holds back from entering nirvana so that he may help others.
- Tathagata (如来): In Buddhism sutras, Gautama Buddha often refers to himself (or maybe all Buddhas) as tathagata.
The British Library has a copy of diamond sutra in Chinese dated in 868 AD, possibly the oldest printed book. The whole script can be viewed online.
(In Buddhism sutras, the opening is usually the context of the event, such as location, participants, and what Gautama Budda did before the conversation occured.)
Subhuti asked Gautama Buddha: “Lord, in order to achieve self-realization, how should one conquer the mind?” Gautama Buddha: “Good question. Listen carefully.”
“A bodhisattva should vow to bring all living beings into nirvana. After bringing them into liberation, he also understands that no living beings are liberated. Why? If a bodhisattva does not see through reified concepts such as self, others, beings, and time, he is not a bodhisattva.”
“Furthermore, a bodhisattva does not act conditionally on phenomena. For example, his almsgiving is not conditioned on the situation. Such almsgiving (dana paramita) has unimaginable merits.”
“Similarly, a bodhisattva does not see tathagata based on bodily features. All phenomena and perceptions are illusions. When one sees through them, one sees tathagata.”
“Lord, can anyone understand what you just said in the future?” “Yes, these beings see through concepts such as self, others, beings, and time. They neither cling to phenomena, nor abandon phenomena. If one clings to any phenomenon, he clings to self, others, beings, and time.”
“Subhuti, am I enlightened? Did I teach anything?” “If I understand you correctly, there is no such thing called enlightenment. Also your teaching are not permanent entities to be clung to. Phenomena (teachings) are not phenomena (teachings), they are also not non-phenomena (non-teachings). All saintly beings are saintly because they act unconditionally.”
“Subhuti, does a person gain great merits if he gives alms with great quantity?” “Yes, Lord. Merits have no self nature as being merits. That’s why it can be described as great merits.” “If a person practices this sutra, or explains this sutra, he gains even more merits because all Buddhism teachings come from this sutra. Subhuti, the so-called Buddhism teaching is not Buddhism teaching.”
“Subhuti, would an arhat think ‘I am an arhat.’?” “No, Lord, if an arhat wonders about that, he is clinging to concepts such as self, others, beings, and time. And he is thus not an arhat. An arhat has no self nature as being an arhat, that’s why he can be called arhat.”
“A bodhisattva does not condition his mind on six senses. Subhuti, if a person has big body, is the body big?” “Yes, Lord, a body is not permanently a body, thus it can be called big body.”
“Practicing this sutra, and explaning its meaning would give rise to more merits than almsgiving with great quantity.”
“Where this sutra stands, Buddha stands.”
“Lord, what is the name of this sutra?” “Diamond sutra (Vajracchedikā Prajñāpāramitā Sūtra). (And further repetitions of ‘A is not A, thus can be called A’.)”
At that moment, Subhuti burst in tears and said: “Lord, I have never heard such deep teaching. I have never had such an open view. Right now you are here to explain this sutra to me, thus it is not hard to understand. In the future it will be hard for people to understand. If someone can understand, then he has seen through concepts such as self, others, beings, and time. If one penetrates through all phenomena, he is a buddha.” “Yes. If someone hears about this sutra and is not scared, paranoid, or shocked, then he is a rare. (Repetitions of ‘A is not A, thus is called A’) All phenomena are non-phenomena. All beings are non-beings. This teaching is neither true nor untrue. Subhuti, if a bodhisattva gives alms based on the situation, it is like seeing things in the darkness. Unconditioned almsgiving is like seeing things in bright sunlight.”
(Further emphasis that this sutra is important)
“复次,须菩提!若善男子、善女人,受持读诵此经,若为人轻贱,是人先世罪业,应堕恶道,以今世人轻贱故,先世罪业则为消灭,当得阿耨多罗三藐三菩提。”“须菩提!我念过去无量阿僧祗劫,于然灯佛前,得值八百四千万亿那由他诸佛,悉皆供养承事,无空过者,若复有人, 于后末世,能受持读诵此经,所得功德,于我所供养诸佛功德,百分不及一,千万亿分、乃至算数譬喻所不能及。须菩提!若善男子、善女人,于后末世,有受持读诵此经,所得功德,我若具说者,或有人闻,心即狂乱,狐疑不信。须菩提!当知是经义不可思议,果报亦不可思议。”
(Further emphasis that this sutra is important)
(More repetition on ‘A is not A, thus is called A’)
“须菩提!于意云何?如来有肉眼不?” “如是,世尊!如来有肉眼。” “须菩提!于意云何?如来有天眼不?” “如是,世尊!如来有天眼。” “须菩提!于意云何?如来有慧眼不?” “如是,世尊!如来有慧眼。” “须菩提!于意云何?如来有法眼不?” “如是,世尊!如来有法眼。” “须菩提!于意云何?如来有佛眼不?” “如是,世尊!如来有佛眼。” “须菩提!于意云何?恒河中所有沙,佛说是沙不?” “如是,世尊!如来说是沙。” “须菩提!于意云何?如一恒河中所有沙,有如是等恒河,是诸恒河所有沙数,佛世界如是,宁为多不?”“甚多,世尊!”佛告须菩提:“尔所国土中,所有众生,若干种心,如来悉知。何以故?如来说:诸心皆为非心,是名为心。所以者何?须菩提!过去心不可得,现在心不可得,未来心不可得。”
“Mind is like a stream. Thoughts in the past, now, future cannot be grasped.”
(More repetition on ‘A is not A, thus is called A’)
(More repetition on ‘A is not A, thus is called A’)
(More repetition on ‘A is not A, thus is called A’)
(More repetition on ‘A is not A, thus is called A’)
(More repetition on ‘A is not A, thus is called A’)
(Further emphasis that this sutra is important)
(More repetition on ‘A is not A, thus is called A’)
(More repetition on ‘A is not A, thus is called A’) “Seeing me via six senses is not the ultimate practice. Following that path does not lead to tathagata.”
“Subhuti, do not think all phenomena are unreal. Enlightened ones do not consider phenomena as unreal.”
“Subhuti, a bodhisattva does not gain merits.”
“Subhuti, if someone claims that tathagata comes or goes, sits or sleeps, then he does not understand my words. Tathagata has nowhere to come and nowhere to go, that is why it is called tathagata.”
(More repetition on ‘A is not A, thus is called A’)
(More repetition on ‘A is not A, thus is called A’)
“All conditioned phenomena are like dreams and illusions, are like dew and lightening’s flash. That is the proper way to perceive them.”